Jumat, 22 Maret 2013

Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah

Al-Madinah Al-MunawarahAl-Madinah Al-Munawarah is the second holy city to Moslems after Makkah Al-Mukkaramah. It has also got many other names such as Taibah, Yathrib, the City of the Messenger, and Dar Al-Higra (i.e. Home of Immigration). It is the city whose people supported Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) when he immigrated to it from Makkah. It comprises the Mosque of the Prophet, his grave, the Islamic University, King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran and many archaeological Islamic features.

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013


【1回表 ド0-1オ】オランダの攻撃 バレの内野ゴロで先制
1番シモンズ(ブレーブス) ストレートの四球で無死一塁。次打者の5球目に暴投で二塁に進み、無死二塁
2番プロファー(レンジャーズ) フルカウントから四球。無死一、二塁
3番バーナディナ(ナショナルズ) ボテボテの投ゴロ。走者はそれぞれ進み、1死二、三塁
4番バレンティン(ヤクルト) 高めの変化球を引っ張り遊ゴロ。三塁走者が生還しオランダがノーヒットで先制。2死三塁
5番ジョーンズ(楽天) 左翼シエナが観客席に飛び込みながらも好キャッチし、左邪でチェンジ。
【1回裏 ド0-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
1番レイエス(ブルージェイズ) 右飛
2番テハダ(ロイヤルズ3A) 左飛
3番カノ(ヤンキース) センター前へはじき返し、2死一塁。
4番エンカーナシオン(ブルージェイズ) 三ゴロでチェンジ
【2回表 ド0-1オ】オランダの攻撃
6番スミス(前マーリンズ2A) いい当たりの遊撃正面のライナーで1死
7番スクープ(オリオールズ) 遊撃正面のゴロで2死
8番サムス(マリナーズ3A) 三飛でチェンジ
【2回裏 ド0-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
5番ラミレス(ドジャース) 四球で無死一塁も、次打者のカウント3-1からけん制に引っかかり憤死。
6番クルーズ(レンジャーズ) 遊ゴロで2死。
7番サンタナ(インディアンス) 左飛でチェンジ
【3回表 ド0-1オ】オランダの攻撃
9番リカルド(元国内リーグ) カーブにタイミングが合わず、空振り三振で1死
1番シモンズ(ブレーブス) 右飛で2死
2番プロファー(レンジャーズ) チェンジアップに空振り三振でチェンジ。
【3回裏 ド0-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
8番シエナ(ブルージェイズ) センターへ高々と打ち上げ1死
9番デアザ(ホワイトソックス) 連続して中飛で2死
1番レイエス(ブルージェイズ) センター前にポトリと落とし、2死一塁
2番テハダ(ロイヤルズ3A) セーフティーバントを試みたが、捕手へのファウルフライに終わりチェンジ
【4回表 ド0-1オ】オランダの攻撃
3番バーナディナ(ナショナルズ) ボテボテの投ゴロで1死。ボルケスが送球の際にボールをつかみ損ねたが、何とかアウトにした
4番バレンティン(ヤクルト) 2球目を左翼席へ大きなファウル。最後はフルカウントから内角高めの速球を空振り三振し、2死
5番ジョーンズ(楽天) 初球をセンター前にはじき返し、2死一塁。オランダはこれが初安打
6番スミス(前マーリンズ2A) カーブを引っかけ三ゴロでチェンジ
【4回裏 ド0-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
3番カノ(ヤンキース) カーブを引っかけ二ゴロで1死
4番エンカーナシオン(ブルージェイズ) 初球を打ち上げ、右飛で2死
5番ラミレス(ドジャース) クリーンアップの攻撃だったが、ラミレスも三ゴロに倒れ、あっさり3者凡退でチェンジ
【5回表 ド0-1オ】オランダの攻撃
7番スクープ(オリオールズ) 遊撃正面のゴロで1死
8番サムス(マリナーズ3A) 縦に落ちるカーブを空振りし三振で2死
9番リカルド(元国内リーグ) 右前にはじき返し、2死一塁
1番シモンズ(ブレーブス) 縦に落ちるワンバウンドとなるカーブを空振り。一塁へ送球されチェンジ
【5回裏 ド4-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃 一挙4点に奪い逆転
6番クルーズ(レンジャーズ) センター正面へのライナー性の飛球で1死
7番サンタナ(インディアンス) フルカウントから三塁線を破る二塁打で1死二塁
8番シエナ(ブルージェイズ) 内角のスライダーをすくい上げ、左翼線への二塁打。二塁からサンタナが生還しドミニカ共和国が同点に追いつく。1死二塁
9番デアザ(ホワイトソックス) 一ゴロ。二塁走者は三塁へ進み、2死三塁
1番レイエス(ブルージェイズ) フルカウントから詰まりながらもセンター前に落とし、三塁走者デアザが生還してドミニカ共和国が勝ち越し。2死一塁
2番テハダ(ロイヤルズ3A) 強烈なピッチャー返し! よけたマークウェルの頭すれすれにセンターへ抜け、2死一、三塁
3番カノ(ヤンキース) 初球をいきなりワンバウンドの暴投で3点目。敬遠で2死一、二塁
4番エンカーナシオン(ブルージェイズ) センター前に抜ける適時打! 二塁走者が生還し4点目。一塁走者は三塁でセンターからの送球で刺され、チェンジ
【6回表 ド4-1オ】オランダの攻撃
2番プロファー(レンジャーズ) 遊ゴロで1死
3番バーナディナ(ナショナルズ) 一、二塁間のゴロをカノに華麗にさばかれ2死
4番バレンティン(ヤクルト) 速球をはじき返し、右中間を破る二塁打。2死二塁
5番ジョーンズ(楽天) チェンジアップに空振りの三振でチェンジ
【6回裏 ド4-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
5番ラミレス(ドジャース) 三塁前へのボテボテのゴロ。投手がつかむが送球できず、内野安打で無死一塁
6番クルーズ(レンジャーズ) 右飛で1死一塁
7番サンタナ(インディアンス) いい当たりだったがライト正面で2死一塁
8番シエナ(ブルージェイズ) 一ゴロでチェンジ
【7回表 ド4-1オ】オランダの攻撃
6番スミス(前マーリンズ2A) 速球を空振り三振で1死
7番スクープ(オリオールズ) 二ゴロで2死
8番サムス(マリナーズ3A) 四球で2死一塁
9番リカルド(元国内リーグ) 外角低めのチェンジアップを空振り三振でチェンジ
【7回裏 ド4-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
9番デアザ(ホワイトソックス) 遊ゴロで1死
1番レイエス(ブルージェイズ) 空振り三振で2死
2番テハダ(ロイヤルズ3A) 詰まった打球が二塁ベース手前に落ち、二塁手が素手で取って送球するが、悪送球となり2死二塁。記録は内野安打
3番カノ(ヤンキース) 中飛でチェンジ
【8回表 ド4-1オ】オランダの攻撃
1番シモンズ(ブレーブス) 投ゴロで1死
2番プロファー(レンジャーズ) 投ゴロで2死
3番バーナディナ(ナショナルズ) 遊撃右へのゴロをレイエスがキャッチできず内野安打で、2死一塁
4番バレンティン(ヤクルト) 投手左へのゴロでチェンジ
【8回裏 ド4-1オ】ドミニカ共和国の攻撃
4番エンカーナシオン(ブルージェイズ) 遊ゴロで1死
5番ラミレス(ドジャース) 遊ゴロで2死
6番クルーズ(レンジャーズ) 中飛でチェンジ
【9回表 ド4-1オ】オランダの攻撃
5番ジョーンズ(楽天) 二飛で1死
6番スミス(前マーリンズ2A) 空振り三振で2死
7番スクープ(オリオールズ) 見逃し三振でゲームセット
先発 ボルケス(パドレス)
2(二)プロファー=レンジャーズ ※決勝Rから追加招集
先発 マークウェル

tips-tips menghadapi ujia nasional 2013

untuk adek-adek yang akan menghadapi ujian jana pada takut dan cemas saya akan memberikan tips2 saya yang pernah saya lakukan semasih saya sekolah dulu......
berikt ini merupakan tips saya:
1. jangan gerogi atau merasa takut dalam menghadapi UN. kalian harus rileks saja walaupun UN tahun ini banyak paketnya kalian bawa santai aja dengan begitu kalian berpikir cemerlang sehingga kalian dapat mnjawab soal tersebut. kalau kalian merasa takutb maka akibatnya rumus/materi2 yang kalan belajar semalam seketika akan menghilang sehingga kalian tidak mampu menjawab soalnya.
2. berdoa dengan berdoa kepada tuhan membuat kita seakin percaya diri dalam kita menjawab oal tersebut karena kita kita yakin bahwa tuha akan menolong kita dalam situasi apapun.
3. Restu orang tua ini sangatlah penting karena restu orang tua adalah doa yang mustajab bagi kita sehingga insyaallah kita dapat menjawabnya.
4. belajarlah semampu kalian jangan terlalu diaksaii karena jika terlalu dipaksapun tidak baik bagi kalian bisa saja ilmu yang terhapal menjadi lupa eketika karena kecapekan saat belajar.
5. jagan sombong karena sifat ini dapat menghapuskan ingatan kita dengan seketik rendahkan diri kalian saat menghadpi UN.
6. kalau kalian menerima sms jawaban kalian buktikan dulu jawabannya dari 5 soal yang kalian bisa jawab tanpamelihat sal dari yang paling mudah sampai yang sulit. kalau jawabanya ccok denagn jawaban kalian kalian bisa ambil unci jawaban tersebut.

skian tips darai saya semoga bermanfaat....... jangan lupa comment gan. mohon maaf bila da kekurangan dalam tulisan.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

'The Biggest Loser' Season 14 winner: Danni Allen

"The Biggest Loser" has a new winner: Danni Allen, who takes home the title and the $250,000 grand prize by one of the slimmest margins in the competition's history.
And America just might have a new fitness model.
Allen, 26, of Wheeling, Ill., had been working multiple jobs to pay off college bills until she joined the cast of the weight-loss reality show weighing 258 pounds. She lost 121 pounds -- or 46.90% of her body weight -- over the course of the competition.
But Allen drew gasps when she walked on stage Monday night for the big reveal at the finale. Though almost all of the competitors looked dramatically different after losing so much weight, Danni looked absolutely transformed: Poised, chiseled and she had her swagger on.
Come to think of it, she could have been channeling her trainer, Jillian Michaels. Danni's victory came after she lost each and every one of her teammates in the early weeks of the competition, until it was just Danni and Jillian. 
Jillian was so certain of Danni's victory that she refused at one point in the middle of the show to hug her trainee, saying that the "first" hug would come after the confetti was raining down on Danni's head.
"I can't believe this is real," Danni said after she'd been declared the winner. "I am in disbelief. But this is real, and you can believe."
There will be a media conference call later this morning with Danni. Any questions you'd like to ask her? If so, leave them in the comments section below and we'll do our best to put them to her. (We're also working on a before / after photo gallery of all the competitors, so check back for that!)
Jillians said that having a one-woman team was a blessing and a curse for Danni. It allowed her to have Jillian's full attention, but that also made for extra punishment in the gym. Jillian said that one of the most powerful tools the pair used to propel Danni to victory was visualization. "We saw it, we had to see it, we envisioned it, and we made it happen," Jillian said. 
Second-place victory went to Jeff Nichols, 25, of Monroe, Mich., who started the show at 388 pounds, a girth he gained in part by turning to food in the wake of his father's death. He lost 181 pounds, or 46.65% of his body weight, just short of ekeing out a win over Danni. 
Pictured: Danni Allen. Credit: NBC
The at-home winner was Gina McDonald, 48, of Hoover, Ala., who took home that $100,000 title. She joined the cast at 245 pounds and lost 113 pounds, or 46.12% of her body weight. She fell just short of the 46.90% lost by Danni and the 46.65% lost by Jeff. 
Her win was no surprise, given that she lasted on the ranch until last week and dominated the weigh-ins while there. Still, had she made the final three, it would not have been enough to edge out Danni or Jeff. 
All things being equal, that means Jeff would have been declared the at-home winner had he been eliminated last week instead of Gina. But there's no use playing that hindsight game, right?
As Dolvett Quince put it, all the competitors are "billionaires," because they've won valuable insight into what it means to live a happy, fulfilling and success-driven life that does not revolve around food. 
Several of the competitors were downright unrecognizable, while others looked as if they'd rolled back the hands of time. David? He looked about 15 years younger, fit and trim and showing off those guns. (The biceps, not the sidearms issued as part of his law enforcement duties.) Lisa, the 37-year-old mom from Houlton, Wis. came on stage to wolf whistles from the live audience -- yes, she looked that good.
The finale made "Biggest Loser" history for its youngest players, the so-called "kids" who were part of the show this year. Their reveals were remarkable: They've grown up before our eyes and combined shed more than 100 pounds. It was never about the weight for the kids, though, it was about teaching them to embrace life and healthful eating habits. They did that, each mirroring what the show and their coaches taught them. Biingo channeled a preppy Bob Harper and his happy-go-lucky style, Lindsay mirrored Dolvett's intensity and brilliant smile and Jillian's ward, Sunny, was the picture of poise and self-confidence. Was that the most picture-perfect prom dress in history? YES!
What did you think about how this season turned out? Are you glad Danni won it? Thoughts about Gina's win? After watching the season, what did you think about the decison to bring kids on board?

Daftar Pemain Timnas Yang Akan Melawan Arab Saudi

Tim Pelatih tim nasional Indonesia, Rahmad Darmawan dan Jacksen F. Tiago, akhirnya mengumumkan 28 nama yang terpilih untuk masuk ke skuat tim Merah Putih.

Namun, daftar 28 pemain tersebut masih bersifat sementara, karena hanya ada 23 pemain yang dapat didaftarkan saat timnas menghadapi Arab Saudi dalam laga lanjutan kualifikasi Piala Asia di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), 23 Maret mendatang.

Rahmad Darmawan mengungkapkan adanya pemain yang lebih karena untuk mengantisipasi apabila ada pemain yang tidak dapat dimainkan karena masalah administrasi ataupun masalah pada kondisi fisiknya.

"Penambahan dilakukan karena menunggu proses administrasi. Ada juga pemain yang ingin kita lihat lagi kebugaran fisiknya, dan ada pula yang masih ingin kita lihat potensinya," ujar RD.

Dalam daftar tersebut, nama-nama tenar seperti Hamka Hamzah, Zulkifly, Ahmad Bustomi atau Boaz Solossa kembali muncul. Sementara yang mengejutkan, beberapa pemain naturalisasi seperti Toni Cussel dan Stefano Lilipaly tercoret dari skuat.

Berikut adalah 28 pemain yang dipilih oleh Rahmad Darmawan dan Jacksen F. Tiago:

Kurnia Meiga, I Made Wirawan, Samsidar, Hamka Hamzah, M.Roby, Victor Igbonefo, Abdul Rahman, Zulkifli Syukur, Ricardo Salampessy, Supardi, Ruben Sanadi, Tony Sucipto, Immanuel Wanggai, Ponaryo Astaman, Ahmad Bustomi, Raphael Maitimo, M. Taufiq, M.Ridwan, Andik Vermansah, Greg Nwokolo, Boaz Solossa, Firman Utina, Ferinando Pahabol, Irfan Bachdim, Zulham Zamrun, Ian Louis Kabes, Sergio van Dijk, dan Titus Bonai

Formula 1 hybrid rule risks more than vroom

Formula One is keen to shake off the image of being a sport for rich men, but does it risk losing fans?
Next year the race will mandate all teams drive 1.6 litre hybrid engines in a bid to help boost technology and green the sport’s image in an era where austerity has gripped its grassroots support base of Europe.
Teams admit the push to showcase the broader benefits of investment in the sport has a marketing purpose, given the hundreds of millions being spent on the sport each year. But no one knows yet whether this will prove detrimental to the overall objective – speed.
The boss of Formula One governing body FIA, Jean Todt, declined to comment on whether the push to hybrid engines would alienate petrolhead fans at a media briefing last Friday.
But he was at pains to stress messages about using the sport to improve road safety (he will meet politicians post race to discuss the matter) and boosting the number of people attending.
“All this kind of motor racing sport is being developed to allow as many people as possible to participate,” Mr Todt said, adding that safety initiatives on the circuit could be applied on roads also.
The Australian Financial Review got a rare glimpse inside the Infiniti Red Bull Racing team’s garage this week, where engineers are apparently split down the middle on the move to hybrid technology.
The biggest fear?
“No one knows what the engine will sound like, or if it will make any noise,” says our tour guide.
The FIA has not introduced any big changes to the technical specifications this year in a bid to give everyone as much time as possible to make the leap, meaning everyone expects a pretty even field for Sunday’s race.
2012 season champion Red Bull is on pole and Mark Webber is in the number two spot behind his team mate Sebastian Vettel.
AT&T sponsorship manager for the telecommunications giant’s relationship with Inifiniti Red Bull Racing, Pia Jensen, says a range of cost-cutting measures have been mandated in recent years. These include cutting down the number of days people can spend testing cars on a track, as well as limiting the number of engineers allowed in the garages at any race.
But Jensen doesn’t believe the moves have stopped the sport getting better.
“I don’t think it is [preventing developments],” she says.
“It’s where it’s become apparent to us that someone like AT&T can . . . drive technological development into a virtual environment.”
With only 45 engineers trackside now, getting real time information flow back to the team factory in Milton Keynes – where up to 100 engineers can be present – is paramount.
Each car is fitted with 100 to 200 sensors that send signals back, measuring up to 1000 performance parameters, all of which are used to develop team strategy in a real-time environment.
Alan Peasland, head of technical partnerships for Infiniti Red Bull Racing, says the ability to receive real-time information helps to ultimately improve performance in speed, handling and stability.
“Being able to share richer data with the race team and also report issues back to the owning design engineer at the factory ensures the car is built with ever increasing precision and accuracy, which has a direct impact on reliability,” he says.

Watch This Band Play The Triple J Hottest 100 In An Incredible 32 Minutes

Watch: band plays triple j Hottest 100 in half an hour
Sporting a fashion sense and band name that should haunt our heroes long after their moment in the sun, a local three-piece have recorded themselves performing (nearly) all the tracks from the recent triple j Hottest 100 in just half an hour.
Points for marketing concept; points deducted for playing to a backing track, multitude of package shots and scattered misogynist outbursts. #viral

南海トラフ地震:被害想定220兆円 避難者950万人


A New First Couple in Sports: Woods and Vonn

With eerily similar announcements to a combined Facebook and Twitter audience of nearly 6.5 million, Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn confirmed Monday that they are dating, then asked for privacy because they want to live, in Woods’s words, “as an ordinary couple.”
Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn said their relationship grew from a friendship into something more during the past few months.
Keep up with the latest news on The Times’s golf blog.





Good luck with that.
Woods and Vonn not only vault to the top of the list of sports couples in terms of lifetime professional achievements, but their relationship will also be a magnet for ceaseless news media attention just for its sizzle and startling inimitability.
Woods, 37, was a wunderkind golfer feted on national television at age 2 who became the world’s most celebrated athlete until his serial adultery was exposed, leading to a divorce and a spectacular fall from grace three years ago.
Vonn, 28, is a Minnesota-bred, suburban-sheltered ski racer who married her first serious boyfriend and led a tame, predictable personal life until she unexpectedly moved to divorce that first love 16 months ago.
They immediately stole the title of Golf’s First Couple from top-ranked Rory McIlroy and his tennis star girlfriend, Caroline Wozniacki. There are, in fact, few suitable couple comparisons to offer as precedent on the athletic level. There have certainly been potent athletic marriages, like Chris Evert and Greg Norman, or Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi. But it is rarer for two active athletes of such international acclaim to be romantically involved in or near their primes of their careers.
Between them, Woods and Vonn have 14 major golf championships, 76 PGA Tour victories, 2 Olympic medals and 4 overall World Cup titles. Woods may be the best golfer ever, something he still has a chance to prove unequivocally. Vonn may be the best female ski racer ever and could over the next few winters become the most decorated World Cup ski racer — male or female — in history. It is a match made for “SportsCenter.”
The best comparison might be Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe.
“This season has been great so far and I’m happy with my wins at Torrey and Doral,” Woods wrote on his Facebook page, referring to two of his recent PGA Tour victories. “Something nice that’s happened off the course was meeting Lindsey Vonn. Lindsey and I have been friends for some time, but over the last few months we have become very close and are now dating. We thank you for your support and for respecting our privacy. We want to continue our relationship, privately, as an ordinary couple and continue to compete as athletes.”
The post included four professionally composed pictures that were in the style of an engagement announcement or of high school prom portraits without the corsages. They look very normal — in a chance meeting sort of way. Except Woods and Vonn are two of the most renowned athletes in the world, traveling in contrasting, highly-scrutinized circles, who would not normally bump into one another.
“I guess it wasn’t a well-kept secret,” Vonn wrote on her Facebook page Monday. “But yes, I am dating Tiger Woods. Our relationship evolved from a friendship into something more over these past few months and it has made me very happy. I don’t plan on addressing this further as I would like to keep that part of my life between us, my family and close friends. Thank you for understanding and your continued support!”
That is a change of heart from 2010, when Vonn mocked Woods’s staged, televised apology about a sex addiction. She said she wanted to host “Saturday Night Live,” so she could perform a skit imitating Woods’s statement.
“There’s something you don’t know about me,” Vonn said, mimicking Woods’s earnest tone. “Tiger, you’re like my idol, and I too have a sex problem. That would be freaking funny.”
Asked in the same interview how she would deal with sports celebrity and the tabloids and Web sites that can threaten reputations, she said: “Well, I’m married, so I don’t have that problem. But, um, I guess he is married too. I mean, I guess if you have secrets, you have an issue. I’ve kind of been open about everything.”
This is also Woods’s first public relationship since his divorce from Elin Nordegren in 2010. Vonn’s divorce from the former Olympic ski racer Thomas Vonn, who also served as her manager and coach, was finalized earlier this year. She has been linked to a few other suitors in the past several months, including Tim Tebow. In each of those cases, Vonn went out of her way to deny that she was romantically involved with anyone.
When reports of a relationship with Woods surfaced in December, she deflected them, telling The Denver Post that she and Woods were friends because her brother, Reed, had been a ski instructor for Woods’s two children on a visit to Vail, Colo., where Vonn lives.
Vonn, who for years has been open when discussing her personal life, turned uncharacteristically evasive in succeeding months when pressed about a relationship with Woods. That intensified the attention on the Woods-Vonn connection. Various European media outlets, who have been chronicling Vonn’s every move for years, reported that when Vonn seriously injured her right knee during a race on Feb. 5 at the world championships in Austria, Woods sent his private jet to ferry her back to Colorado for surgery. Tabloid reports also had the two spending time together earlier this month in Florida.
Because Vonn’s knee has been reconstructed and requires months of recovery as she prepares for the 2014 Winter Olympics, she is expected to be on crutches for another few weeks — something to which Woods, who had reconstructive surgery on his left knee in 2008, can relate. She also is supposed to be rehabilitating her knee with grueling twice-a-day, six-days-a-week sessions. That might be more difficult if she plans to hopscotch the country on the traveling circus that is the PGA Tour.
Now that the Augusta National Golf Club has admitted its first female members, perhaps Condoleezza Rice can clear space at the club — and in the spotlight — for Vonn during next month’s Masters tournament.

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